Featured Investors

...because I want to change another 17,000 lives.
Barrett Hazeltine & wife, Mary,
Brown Professor Emeritus

...because I wanted to make a difference.
Alan Hassenfeld,
Former CEO, Hasbro, Inc.

...because Economic Justice is Economic Security!
Jenn Steinfeld,
Executive Director, Women's Fund of RI

...to support creative social justice models.
Bill Allen,
Professor at Brown University

...because true “returns” aren’t measured in dollars and cents.
Mark Tracy,
Founder, Yulupa, LLC

...because I believe in financial empowerment for everyone.
Heather Tow-Yick,
Chief Transformation Officer, PPSD

...because it's the right thing to do.
Michael Steiner,
Community Member

...because I believe in social change.
María Carranza,
Business Support Services Director at CCRI

...to align my money with my mouth.
Andres Ramirez,
Professor at Bryant University

...because capital needs good.
Mark and Julie Van Noppen,
Community Members

...because investment leads to health equity.
Peter Simon,
Community Member

...because good means better for more or us.
Sandra Enos,
Professor at Bryant University

...to deliver Equitable Community Progress.
Robert Falcon,
Community Member